Tuesday, May 26, 2009

This blog is not dead, yet

Following an amazing turn around in the author's perspective on sloth and laziness, and that terrible feeling he gets from the unending battle between the willingness of the mind and absolute lethargy of the body, he has decided that a fresh wave of life will be infused into this blog. 

The blog will be expanded to include such exciting topics as 
  1. The author's personal life
  2. Corporate life and the accompanying emptiness (of head, soul and purpose)
  3. Economics (I know!)
  4. Introspective nonsense


Perakath said...

Readers aren't dead either.

Anonymous said...

eagerly awaiting... particularly the part about corporate life and the accompanying emptiness....

The dismal blogger said...

Yes,yes.. i have ignored my public when they needed me the most.. my bad spae

@ravi.. i'm sure we would have talked about everything that goes up here!